10-Minute Methods Memory Improvement for KIDS: Educational Success for Your Child Through Sh

10-Minute Methods Memory Improvement for KIDS: Educational Success for Your Child Through Sh

B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas Write a short message to your friend Aditya! In your message, you tell him that you are going to his house to do a group assignment from the teacher at 4 pm. Read aloud in front of the class! Think about your pronunciation!​

Write a short message to your friend Aditya! In your message, you tell him that you are going to his house to do a group assignment from the teacher at 4 pm. Read aloud in front of the class! Think about your pronunciation!​


Tulis pesan singkat ke temanmu Aditya! Dalam pesan Anda, Anda memberi tahu dia bahwa Anda akan pergi ke rumahnya untuk mengerjakan tugas kelompok dari guru pada jam 4 sore. Bacalah dengan nyaring di depan kelas! Pikirkan tentang pengucapan Anda!
